Project Description


The Boston Scientific Corporation is a worldwide developer, manufacturer and marketer of medical devices whose products are used in a range of interventional medical specialties.

Boston Scientific is dedicated to transforming lives through innovative medical solutions that improve the health of patients around the world.


Boston Scientific



Boston Scientific were hosting 2,500 members of their sales teams at a national sales meeting.

They wished to give each attendee a gift that represented a unique piece of technology.


Boston Scientific Sales Meeting Gift



Strategic Solution


PowerStick proposed numerous unique technology items that fell within Boston Scientific’s budget range.

While the product was outside of the budget range, PowerStick also proposed its brand new Mosaic media player, streamer and charger.

Jack Nadel agreed that the quality and uniqueness of Mosaic would make a perfect gift, and proposed it to their client.


Mosaic Boston Scientific sales meeting gift


 After reviewing a spec sample, Boston Scientific agreed, and while it was significantly over their original budget, they requisitioned 2,500 Mosaic units for their sales event.


Boston Scientific box mosaic case