Project Description


The Coca-cola Company is a global leader in the beverage industry, selling products in over 200 countries.

Best known for its namesake product, Coca-Cola, the company represents over 350 brands of non-alcoholic beverages, concentrates and syrups.


Coca Cola bottle



Each year, Coca-Cola conducts its “Share a Coke” tour at different music festivals across the country.

The challenge is to develop products that represent the campaign, and in turn, enhance the brand.


Coke brainstorm

Working with the distributor, PowerStick proposed items that would both appeal to young and savvy festival-goers, and that could be used at the festivals.



Strategic Solution


After reviewing many options, Coca-Cola selected the Click, by PowerStick.

The Click is a Bluetooth camera shutter remote that permits users to take photos with their smart phones from up to 30 feet away.

As the Click is used to snap photos, it is a great item to use with social media campaigns.


Coke Click at a concert

Coca-Cola distributed the Click with the hashtag #shareaCoke, to encourage photo uploads to social media and create a bigger buzz for the brand.


Coke Click share a coke